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Transport I Cheme 530 Homework 3 Solution

*For more information regarding course equivalencies please refer to the Course Equivalency section, under "How to Read a Course Description", in the CoE Bulletin Website:

200 Level Courses

CEE 200. Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: None; mandatory pass/fail. (1 credit)
An introduction to the nature and scope of the civil and environmental engineering disciplines and specialty programs. Includes case studies from practice and information about academic and professional opportunities for CEE students. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 211. Statics and Dynamics
Prerequisite: Physics 140. (4 credits)
Statics: review of vector mathematics; moment and force resultants; static equilibrium in two & three dimensions; centroids; center of gravity; distributed loadings. Dynamics: review of concepts of velocity and acceleration; dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; concepts of work, energy, momentum; introduction to vibrations. Four lectures per week. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 212. Solid and Structural Mechanics
Prerequisite: CEE 211 or equivalent. (3 credits). No credit granted to those who have completed or are enrolled in MECHENG 211.
Fundamental principles of solid and structural mechanics and their application in engineering disciplines. Covered: concepts of stress and strain, stress and strain transformations, axial, torsion, bending and combined loading and elastic deformations. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 230. Thermodynamics and the Environment
Prerequisite: Math 116; Chem 130 & 125/126 or Chem 210 & 211 advised. (3 credits)
The First and Second Laws of thermodynamics are applied to systems impacting built and natural environments to determine the performance requirements and thermodynamic efficiencies of engineered processes. Topics of coverage include the properties of pure substances and mixtures, phase changes, reaction and phase equilibrium, heating, air conditioning, and power generation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 265. Sustainable Engineering Principles
Prerequisite: Chem 130, Math 116. (3 credits)
Credit for only one: CEE 265 or MECHENG 489
Sustainable engineering principles include calculations of environmental emissions and resource consumption. Mass and energy balance calculations in context of pollution generation and prevention, resource recovery and life-cycle assessment. Economic aspects of sustainable engineering decision-making. Social impacts of technology system design decisions including ethical frameworks, government legislation and health risks. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

300 Level Courses

CEE 303. Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists
Prerequisite: ENGR 101, Math 216. (4 credits)
Applications of numerical methods to infrastructure and environmental problems. Development of mathematical models and computer programs using a compiled language (FORTRAN). Formulation and solution of initial and boundary-value problems with emphasis on structural analysis, fluid flow and transport of contaminants. Lecture, recitation and computation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 307 (Environ 407). Sustainable Cities
Advisory Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Standing and two environmental science classes. (3 credits)
As economic and ecological pressures increase, it has become increasingly important that greater efforts be expended to have more sustainable urban environments.  Specifically, it is essential that the future operation of cities become more sustainable in terms of energy and resource use, while also safeguarding the health and well-being of local citizens.  This course will discuss how multiple disciplines can be integrated to identify and discuss this broad goal.  A combination of individual and team assignments will be given, culminating in a team term project that provides alternative strategies for consideration by a panel of experts. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 312. Structural Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 212 or equivalent. (4 credits)
Introduction to the field of structural engineering.  Discussion of structural analysis techniques and concepts such as virtual work, flexibility method, stiffness method, influence lines and matrix structural analysis.  Training in AutoCAD and exposure to commonly used structural analysis computer program(s).  Discussion of basic design concepts and principles. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 325. Fluid Mechanics
Prerequisite: CEE 211. (4 credits)
Principles of mechanics applied to real and ideal fluids. Fluid properties and statics; continuity, energy, and momentum equations by control volume analysis; differential equations of motion for laminar and turbulent flow; dimensional analysis and similitude; boundary layers, drag and lift; incompressible flow in pipes; fluid measurement and turbomachinery. Lecture and laboratory. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 331. Construction Management
Advisory Prerequisite: Junior Standing. (4 credits)
Introduction to a construction management process for engineers in which the project life-cycle is broken into organizing, evaluating, planning, monitoring and controlling. Students will learn about the project delivery, financial and procurement systems; legal issues; cost estimation; scheduling; bonding and insurance; and project resource planning and control. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 345. Geotechnical Engineering
Prerequisite: Physics 140. (4 credits)
Soil origins, classification and index properties; phase relationships; earth moving and soil compaction; groundwater seepage; compressibility and consolidation; settlement; shear strength and failure; applications to foundations; retaining structures and slopes. Lecture and laboratory. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 351. Civil Engineering Materials
Prerequisite: CEE 212 or equivalent. (4 credits)
Discussion of basic mechanical and physical properties of a variety of civil engineering materials such as concrete, asphalt, wood and fiber composites. Evaluation and design for properties, load-time deformation characteristics, response to typical service environments. Lecture and laboratory. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 365. Environmental Engineering Principles
Prerequisite: CHEM 130, MATH 116. (4 credits)
An introduction to mass balance modeling of contaminant fate, transport and removal in the environment; commonly used reactor configurations for water and air quality control; partitioning of contaminant types and sources; regional and global contemporary environmental issues. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 366. Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 365 and CEE 373. (3 credits)
Weekly lecture and experimental projects designed to illustrate key analytical measurements of water and air quality parameters, soil properties, and environmental process engineering. Emphasis on data analysis, report writing, oral presentations, experimental design and teamwork. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 373. Statistical Methods for Data Analysis and Uncertainty Modeling
Prerequisite: MATH 215 and MATH 216. Minimum grade of "C" required for enforced prerequisites. (3 credits)
Introductory probability and statistics with emphasis on data analysis and uncertainty modeling for engineering and environmental systems. Descriptive statistics, graphical representation of data, linear regression, correlation, discrete and continuous probability distributions, conditional probability, estimation, statistical inference, extreme events, reliability analysis and techniques for design under uncertainty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 375. Sensors, Circuits, and Signals
Prerequisite: Physics 240. (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of collecting and processing experimental data. The course begins with an introduction to DC and AC circuits. The design and operation of sensors are then introduced followed by an introduction to digital signal processing. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

400 Level Courses

CEE 402. Professional Issues and Design
Prerequisite: Senior standing. (4 credits)
Multidisciplinary team design experience including consideration of codes, regulations, alternate solutions, economic factors, sustainability, constructability, reliability and aesthetics in the solution of a civil or environmental engineering problem. Professionalism and ethics in the practice of engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 412. Matrix Structural Analysis
Prerequisite: MATH 216 and CEE 312 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Displacement-based linear analysis of truss, beam, frame, and cable structures, including axial loading and structural pre-tension effects. Analytical derivation of stiffness equations from first principles. Matrix assembly techniques and implementation of computational solution techniques. Approximate stability analysis. Elementary plasticity analysis, using incremental loading techniques. Introduction to structural dynamics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 413. Design of Metal Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 312. (3 credits)
Design of metal members and connections and their use in buildings and bridges. Application of relevant design specifications with emphasis on structural steel. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 415. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 312. (3 credits)
Design of reinforced concrete members and slabs, and their user in buildings and bridges. Application of relevant design specifications. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 421. Hydrology and Floodplain Hydraulics
Prerequisite: CEE 303, CEE 325. (4 credits)
Fundamentals of surface-water hydrology, flow in open channels and flood hazard mitigation. Rainfall-runoff relations. Unit hydrograph method. Uniform and nonuniform flow in open channels. Measurement and control of river flow. Flood waves in rivers, floodplains and reservoirs. Design of storage basins, storm channels and culverts. Lecture, laboratory and computation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 428. (ENSCEN 428) Groundwater Hydrology
Prerequisite: CEE 325 and (CEE 345 or CEE 366) advised. (3 credits)
Basic principles which govern the flow of water in the subsurface. Development and solution of groundwater flow and contaminant transport equations, in presence and absence of pumping wells, for both confined and phreatic aquifers. Measurement and estimation of parameters governing flow and transport. Use of computer software for the simulation of flow. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 430. Special Problems in Construction Engineering
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-3 credits)
Individual student may choose his or her special problem from a wide range of construction engineering and management areas. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 435. Building Information Modeling
Prerequisite: CEE 431 (331 effective Winter 2020) or graduate standing. Minimum grade of a "C" for enforced prerequisite. (3 credits)
Fundamentals of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its significance in construction project management; Application of BIM in construction engineering and management functions such as coordination, clash detection, sequencing, safety, and communication; BIM-based Integrated Project Delivery (IPD); Reality capture methods for as-built BIM; BIM in facility management; BIM standards and interoperability. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 446. Engineering Geology & Site Characterization
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Composition and properties of rocks and soil, geologic processes, geologic structures and engineering consequences, mapping and map analysis, airphoto interpretation, in-situ testing of soils and rock, field demonstration, civil engineering facility siting. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 450. Introduction to Transportation Engineering
Prerequisite: MATH 215 and Physics 240 or graduate standing.  Minimum grade of "C" required for enforced prerequisites. (4 credits)
Fundamentals of planning, design and operation of highway transportation facilities. Topics covered include driver and vehicle performance characteristics, highway geometric design principles, basics of traffic analysis, traffic signal operations, transportation planning, connected and automated vehicle technologies and their impacts to the transportation infrastructure. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 465. Environmental Process Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 325 and CEE 365. (3 credits)
An introduction to the analysis, characterization and principles of physical, chemical and biological processes, operations and reactor configurations commonly used for water quality control; preliminary design of specific water and wastewater treatment processes and operations; discussion of economic and legislative constraints and requirements. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 480. Design of Environmental Engineering Systems
Prerequisite: CEE 465 advised. (3 credits)
Design and theoretical understanding of environmental processes; biological, physical and chemical processes and reactor configurations commonly used for water quality control; applications to the design of specific water and wastewater treatment operations; discussion of pollution prevention and green engineering options. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 481. Aquatic Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHEM 130 and senior standing. Credit for only one: CEE 481 or CEE 581. Minimum grade of a "C-" required for enforced prerequisite. (3 credits)
Chemical principles applicable to the analysis of the chemical composition of natural waters and engineered water treatment systems; covers acid-base, precipitation-dissolution, complexation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; emphasis on graphical and analytical speciation methods; presented in the context of contemporary environmental issues including water quality, climate change and pollution prevention and abatement. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 482. Environmental Microbiology
Prerequisite: CHEM 130 advised. (3 credits)
Introductions to microbial metabolic processes and nutrition, thermodynamics of growth and energy generation, genetic and metabolic diversity, evolution and systematics, and microbial ecology.  Emphasis is placed on the application of these concepts to environmental biotechnology. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 490. Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-4 credits)
Individual or group experimental or theoretical research in any area of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The program of work is arranged at the beginning of each term by mutual agreement between the student and a faculty member. Written and oral reports may be required. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

500 Level Courses

CEE 500. Environmental Systems and Processes I
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 460. (3 credits)
Concepts of environmental systems and principles of related transport and transformation phenomena and processes, focusing on aquatic systems; development of fundamental models for articulation of relevant process dynamics; system and process scaling factors and methods; extension of process models to ideal and nonideal natural and engineer homogeneous environmental systems. CourseProfile CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 504. Engineering Economics and Finance
Advisory Prerequisite: Econ 101 and CEE 373 or equivalents. (3 credits)
Engineering Economics and Finance focuses on evolving financial decision making in engineering practice. Topics like accounting, public and private investment decision making, project management and risk and uncertainty are covered and linked to practical problems that are meaningful to (smart) infrastructure systems and the students' professional futures. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 505. Infrastructure Finance Internship
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. (1 credit)
This internship is required for the MEng in Smart Infrastructure Finance (SIF). The course consists of a 6-week internship at financial services, data analytics or construction/project development firms. Required deliverables to the SIF MEng committee include a workplan/approach and a final report. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 509. (MECHENG 512) Theory of Elasticity
Prerequisite: MECHENG 412 or MECHENG 511. (3 credits)
Stress, strain and displacement, equilibrium and compatibility. Use of airy stress function in rectangular and polar coordinates, asymptotic fields at discontinuities, forces and dislocations, contact and crack problems, rotating and accelerating bodies. Galerkin and Papcovich-Neuber solutions, singular solutions, spherical harmonics. Thermoelasticity. Axisymmetric contact and crack problem. Axisymmetric torsion. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 510. (NAVARCH 512) Finite Element Methods in Solid and Structural Mechanics
Prerequisite: graduate standing. (3 credits)
Basic equations of three-dimensional elasticity. Derivation of relevant variational principles. Finite element approximation. Convergence requirements. Isoparametric elements in two and three dimensions. Implementational considerations. Locking phenomena. Problems involving non-linear material behavior. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 511. Dynamics of Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 412 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Dynamic equilibrium of structures. Response of a single degree of freedom system to dynamic excitation: free vibration, harmonic loads, pulses and earthquakes. Response spectra. Response of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Seismic behavior of buildings and the basis for seismic building codes. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 512. Nonlinear Analysis of Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 412 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Extension of matrix structural analysis to solve geometric and material nonlinear problems in structural engineering. Topics include elastic stability of columns, P-delta effects, large-displacement analysis of cable structures, inelastic analysis of frames using lumped and distributed plasticity models, and solution algorithms for nonlinear systems of equations. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 513. Plastic Analysis and Design of Frames
Prerequisite: CEE 413. (3 credits)
Plastic analysis and design of steel framed structures. Stepwise incremental load and mechanism methods. Behavior beyond elastic range; failure mechanisms. Use of computer programs and AISC specifications. Application to earthquake resistant design. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 514. Prestressed Concrete
Prerequisite: CEE 415. (3 credits)
Fundamental principles of prestressing; prestressing materials; prestress losses; allowable stress and ultimate strength design methods; analysis and design of beams for flexure, shear and deflection; composite construction; bridges; slab systems; partial prestressings; FRP tendons. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 515. Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 415. (3 credits)
Analysis and design of concrete structural systems including two-way floor systems, slender columns, members subjected to torsion, structural walls and connections. Applications of computer-aided design programs. Use of design code provisions. Design projects. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 516. Bridge Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 413, CEE 415. (3 credits)
Advanced concepts and modern trends in design of bridges. Rehabilitation, repair and retrofit of existing bridges. Use of relevant codes. Study of alternative structural forms and materials for efficiency and economy. Design problems and reports. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 517. Reliability of Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 270 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Fundamental concepts related to structural reliability, safety measures, load models, resistance models, system reliability, optimum safety levels and optimization of design codes. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 518. Deployable and Reconfigurable Structures
Prerequisite: None. Advisory Prerequisite: Course equivalent to CEE 412, CEE 510, or ME 305. (3 credits)
Covers theory, analysis, and design of deployable and reconfigurable structures, including linkage-based,
origami, and inflatable systems. Students will learn about kinematics, geometric constraints, stability, stiffness,
energy behaviors, design, material systems, fabrication, and actuation. Includes a student project to explore and
design practical deployable structures. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 519. Hybrid and Composite Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 415 or equivalent and CEE 413 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Behavior and design of hybrid and composite structural members, connections and systems, including composite frame construction, structural walls systems and braced frames; design of advanced fiber cementitious materials and applications in new and deficient structural systems; Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) for structural repair and retrofit. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 520. Physical Processes of Land-Surface Hydrology
Prerequisite: CEE 421 or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Key elements of land-surface hydrology. Water in the atmosphere; dry adiabatic and pseudoadiabatic processes. Vapor turbulent transfer. Heat fluxes and surface energy budgets. Mass transfer and energy budget methods for estimating evapotranspiration. Soil physical properties; water flow in unsaturated soils; infiltration. Snow hydrology. Runoff generation. Probabilistic approaches to describing spatial variability. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 521. Flow in Open Channels
Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Conservation laws for transient flow in open channels; shallow-water approximation; the method of characteristics; simple waves and hydraulic jumps; nonreflective boundary conditions; dam-break analysis; overland flow; prediction and mitigation of flood waves. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 522. Sediment Transport
Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Mechanics of sediment transport processes in Fluvial systems; initiation of motion; bed forms; resistance to flow; suspended sediment transport; bed load transport; cohesive sediments; geomorphology principles. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 524. Restoration Fundamentals and Practice in Aquatic Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: MATH 115 (3 credits)
The topics to be covered in the lectures are Sediment transport, Fluid mechanics/bluff body flows—Hydraulics, Geomorphology, Dimensional analysis, Field measurement techniques—Particle Image Velocimetry, Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry, flow and wave gauges. Biological overview: fishes, macrobenthos, plants. Current restoration techniques in a variety of environments. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 525. Environmental Turbulence
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Introduction to the topic of turbulence with special emphasis on physical processes; characterization of fundamental turbulent flows such as shear layers, wakes, jets, plumes and thermals; effect of stratification on turbulence; forcing and control of turbulence by acceleration and pulsation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 526. Design of Hydraulic Systems
Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Hydraulic design of piping systems including pumps and networks; pump system design including variable speed operation, cavitation and wet well design; waterhammer and other transient phenomena; control valves and flow metering considerations; hydraulic control structures. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 527. Coastal Hydraulics
Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent. (3 credits)
General description of wave systems including spectral representation; solutions to oscillatory wave equation; wave breaking; harbor resonance; wave shoaling, refraction and diffraction; wave forecasting; selection of design wave conditions; forces on coastal structures; shoreline erosion processes. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 530. Construction Professional Practice
Advisory Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Capstone project in CEM where student teams work with construction industry clients as volunteer consultants to investigate technological and best practice solutions to current industry problems.  Clients receive a compiled professional report and video.  Faculty and industry speakers discuss technologies and innovations related to CEM, and elements for professional leadership. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 531. Construction Cost Engineering
Prerequisite: graduate standing and preceded or accompanied by CEE 431. (3 credits)
Cost engineering for construction organizations, projects and operations. Construction financing; break-even, profit and cash flow analyses; capital budgeting. Equipment cost and procurement decisions. Construction financial accounting, cost accounting, cost control systems, databases. Cost indices, parametric estimates, unit price proposals, measuring work and settling claims. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 532. Construction Project Engineering
Prerequisite: graduate standing and preceded or accompanied by CEE 431. (3 credits)
Project, company organization. Manpower training, planning, procurement; union, nonunion construction. Job site layout. Material equipment procurement, submittals. Construction operation planning, supervision, measurement, analysis, improvement. Dimensions of performance: safety, quality, quality of work life, productivity, innovation. Examples, cases from construction. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 533. Engineering Process Modeling and Risk Analysis
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 373. (3 credits)
Modeling, simulation and risk analysis of engineering systems. Monte Carlo and discrete-event simulation model development for practical engineering problems using advanced computational tools. Applications from on-site construction, prefabrication, tunneling, earthmoving, bridges, land, air, and marine transportation systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 534. Construction Engineering, Equipment, and Methods
Prerequisite: junior standing. (3 credits)
Major construction equipment and concrete construction. Selection of scrapers, dozers, cranes, etc. based on applications, methods, and production requirements. Power generation, transmission, and output capacity of equipment engines. Calculation of transport cycle times. Concrete methods include mixing, delivery and placement. Design of forms for concrete walls and supported slabs. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 535. Excavation and Tunneling
Prerequisite: CEE 345. (3 credits)
Selection of methods of attack for excavation of tunnels and deep vertical-sided openings. Tunneling procedures based on behavioral characteristics of soil and rock. Study of tunnel boring machines, shielded and drill-and-blast operations, linings. Soil liner interaction. Deep excavation procedures related to support of excavation systems, methods of installation and dewatering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 536 (MFG 536). Critical Path Methods
Advisory Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Construction project planning, scheduling, and control, using activity-on-arrow, activity-on-node, and overlapping network models.  CPM:  Start, finish, float, critical path calculations.  PERT:  Probabilistic scheduling, merge-event bias, schedule simulation.  Time-cost tradeoff, resource allocation, resource leveling algorithms.  Cost-schedule integration, computerized control systems.  Repetitive scheduling.  Case studies, term project. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 537. Construction of Buildings
Prerequisite: CEE 351. (3 credits)
Material selection, construction details, manufacture, fabrication and erection of building structures using steel, light wood, timber, cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete and masonry; and materials for roof, floor and wall surfaces. Zoning, building codes and other legal issues. Introduction to HVAC and electrical systems. Field trips to construction sites. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 538. Computer-aided Project Management
Prerequisite: Preceded or accompanied by CEE 536/MFG 536. Minimum grade of a "C" for enforced prerequisites. (2 credits)
Introduction to the application of modern project management computer systems, for example, Primavera P6 Professional and Microsoft Project, for construction project planning, scheduling and control. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 539. Construction Management Information Systems
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing (3 credits)
Automation of construction engineering and management functions using modern analysis, design and productivity tools. Modeling and graphical 3D visualization of construction processes and products. Mobile computing and information systems to support field engineering tasks. Students apply computerized systems to solve construction problems and case studies. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 540. Advanced Soil Mechanics
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Deformation and strength of soils; total and effective stress; drained and undrained behavior. Constitutive description: elastic-plastic, hardening/softening, Cam clay model, critical states. Stress paths, and testing of soils. Modeling of reinforced soil: multi-component model and homogenization approach; fiber-reinforced soil. Theorems of limit analysis; applications in stability assessment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 541. Soil Sampling and Testing
Prerequisite: Preceded or accompanied by CEE 345. (3 credits)
Field and laboratory practice in sampling and testing of soils for engineering purposes. Field sampling and testing; standard split-spoon sampler, Dutch Cone penetrometer, field vane, Iowa borehole shear device. Lab tests; direct shear, unconfined compression, triaxial compression, consolidation. Laboratory and lecture. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 542. Soil and Site Improvement
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Analysis of geotechnical problems affecting site use including weak, compressible soil; high shrink-swell potential; and liquefiable soils. Stabilization techniques including compaction, earth reinforcement, admixture stabilization, deep mixing, grouting, precompression, thermal and electrokinetic stabilization and vitro-compaction. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 543. Numerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent advised. (3 credits)
Finite element method formulation, constitute laws for geotechnical materials including elastic-perfectly plastic and nonlinear elasto-plastic. Critical state framework for modeling soil behavior. Finite element program PLAXIS for performing static analyses of earth structures. Soil structure interaction. Finite difference method and discrete element method. Advanced soil models. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 544. Rock Mechanics
Prerequisite: CEE 212 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Engineering properties and classification of rocks. Strength and deformability of intact and jointed rock; in situ stresses; lab and field test methods. Stereonets and structural geology. Rock slopes; stability and reinforcement. Foundations on rock. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 545. Foundation Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Application of principles of soil mechanics to: determination of bearing capacity and settlement of spread footings, mats, single piles and pile groups; site investigation, evaluation of data from field and laboratory tests; estimation of stresses in soil masses; soil structure interaction. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 546. Slopes, Dams and Retaining Structures
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Slope stability analyses, seepage through soils, settlements and horizontal movements in embankments, earthen embankment and dam design, landslide and embankment stabilization, earth pressures and retaining structure design. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 547. Soils Engineering and Pavement Systems
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Soils engineering as applied to the design, construction and rehabilitation of pavement systems. The design, evaluation and rehabilitation of rigid, flexible and composite pavements. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 548. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent recommended. (3 credits)
Ground motion attenuation relationships, seismic site response analysis, evaluation and modeling of dynamic soil properties, soil structure interaction, evaluation and mitigation of soil liquefaction, seismic code provisions and practice, seismic earth pressures, slope stability and deformation analysis, safety of dams and embankments, performance of pile foundations and additional current topics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 549. Geoenvironmental Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 345 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Waste generation/disposal; waste types; waste facilities regulations; geoenvironmental site characterization; soil-water-contaminant interactions; design and construction of base and cover containment systems; geosynthetic materials in geoenvironmental applications; landfill settlement and stability; introduction to bioreactor landfills and emerging technologies for waste disposal; technologies for site restoration and clean up. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 550. Quality Control of Construction Materials
Prerequisite: CEE 351. (3 credits)
Construction material specification and test procedures. Sampling methods, data collection and statistical data distributions. Quality control charts, development of quality assurance specifications and acceptance plans. Examples using data from actual field construction and laboratory experiments collected by destructive and non-destructive methods. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 551. Traffic Science
Prerequisite: CEE 450 or graduate standing.  Minimum grade of "C" required for enforced prerequisite. (3 credits)
This course provides fundamentals of traffic science, including data collection, analysis, design, and operations.  Main components include traffic flow theory, traffic simulation, and traffic operations.  An introduction to connected and automated vehicle technology and its applications in traffic flow and signal control will be introduced. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 552. Travel Behavior Analysis and Forecasting
Prerequisite: (CEE 373 and CEE 450) or graduate standing.  Minimum grade of "C" required for enforced prerequisites. (3 credits)
This course provides and introduction to analysis and forecasting of passenger travel demand. The objective is for students to understand the fundamentals of discrete choice models. Using case studies and participating in a group project, students will also understand how these models are applied in practice. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 553. Infrastructure Systems Optimization
Prerequisite: none. (3 credits)
Systems-level approach to the analysis and design of civil infrastructure systems. The fundamental concepts are taught through a series of examples drawn from various infrastructure systems applications. Optimization techniques covered include model building, linear programming, nonlinear programming and the use of algebraic modeling languages. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 554. Data Mining in Transportation
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
This course covers topics in predictive data analytics where computers are enabled to learn hidden structures from data without being explicitly programmed. The focus of the course is on supervised (classification and regression) and unsupervised (clustering) learning methods. Examples are drawn from the field of transportation systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 555. Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems
Prerequisite: none. (3 credits)
Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Life Cycle Analysis – Methods and Applications in Civil Infrastructure Systems; Building Energy Modeling and Simulation; Energy Management in Buildings; Impact of Building Occupants and Behavioral Challenges; Renewable Energy and Efficiency in Buildings; Existing Buildings and Technical/Social Challenges of Energy Retrofits; and Building Certifications (e.g., LEED). CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 556. Economics of Transportation Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 552 or equivalent. (3 credits)
The course will acquaint students with central insights and concepts in the economics of transportation systems, including travel demand, transportation costs, pricing of transportation systems, financing transportation infrastructure, cost-benefit analysis, and decision analysis. The scope of the course involves all modes of transportation with emphasis on highways and transit. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 557. Large-scale Transportation Systems Optimization
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 553 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Methods to solve large-scale optimization problems. Topics include a summary of linear and integer programming, network simplex, primal-dual methods, Bender's decomposition, Lagrangian optimization, column generation, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, and aggregation methods. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 558. Urban Traffic Operations
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 551 or equivalent. (3 credits)
This class discusses advanced topics on urban traffic operations. Main topics include optimal control theory, traffic signal optimization, vehicle trajectory control, and data driven traffic control. Next generation traffic control system with connected and automated vehicles will be a focus of this class. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 559. Transportation Network Modeling
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 552 or equivalent. (3 credits)
This course discusses formulations and algorithms for finding equilibrium flow patterns through transportation networks. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the paradigm of equilibrium analysis of transportation systems. Topics discussed in the class include user equilibrium, system optimum, bi-level programming models, bottleneck models, and transportation network reliability/vulnerability analysis. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 563. Air Quality Engineering Fundamentals
Prerequisite: CEE 230 and CEE 325 or equivalents. (3 credits)
Fundamental engineering principles for preventing or reducing air pollutant emissions. Combustion modifications to prevent pollutant formation. Gas adsorption and absorption processes, including carbon capture and sequestration. Particle filtration processes. Emissions and control of metals and air toxins. Indoor air pollutants and their control. Selected case studies. Economics and cost estimation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 564. Greenhouse Gas Control
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 230 or equivalent. (3 credits)
A review of strategies for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in power generation, transportation, and the built environment. Sources, discharges, and physical properties of greenhouse gases are surveyed; technologies for greenhouse gas emission avoidance or sequestration are discussed. Policy options for greenhouse gas control and carbon footprint reduction are considered. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 565. (ESENG 501) Seminars on Energy Systems Technology and Policy
Prerequisite: Graduate student or permission of instructor (3 credits)
This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the critical issues in energy technologies. Researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policymakers discuss technology, policy and economic drivers for sustainable global energy systems. Students complete homework assignments and a term paper on an energy-themed subject. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 567. (ESENG 567) Energy Infrastructure Systems
Prerequisite: CEE 230 or MechE 336 or ChemE 330 or equivalent recommended (3 credits)
Technologies and economics of electric power generation, transmission and distribution are discussed. Centralized versus distributed generation and fossil fuels versus renewable resources, are considered in regard to engineering, market and regulatory principles. Students develop an understanding of energy challenges confronting society and investigate technologies that seek to address future needs. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 568. Decentralized Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 465 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Design of decentralized approaches that provide access to useful water sources, safe drinking water and sanitation services. The class covers the factors associated with poor water quality; appropriate physical, chemical, and biological technologies and design principles; water safety planning; and consideration for resource recovery, sustainability, policy, environmental justice, and economics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 571. (AEROSP 550) (EECS 560) (MECHENG 564). Linear Systems Theory
Prerequisite: graduate standing. (4 credits)
Linear spaces and linear operators. Bases, subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, canonical forms. Linear differential and difference equations. Mathematical representations: state equations, transfer functions, impulse response, matrix fraction and polynomial descriptions. System-theoretic concepts: causality, controllability, observability, realizations, canonical decomposition, stability. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 572. Dynamic Infrastructure Systems
Prerequisite: Math 417 or equivalent advised. (3 credits)
Introduction to the fundamentals of dynamics system theory applied to infrastructure systems including system modeling as well as monitoring and controlling structural, transportation, hydraulic, and electrical grid systems. Continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems are emphasized but elementary concepts in nonlinear systems are also presented. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 573. Data Analysis in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 270 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Course topics address practical problems of analysis of manipulation and monitoring datasets in environmental sciences and engineering: hypothesis testing, uncertainty, linear regressions, data of high dimension and time domain and frequency domain analysis of series. Examples are drawn from the fields of environmental and civil engineering and surface and subsurface hydrology. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 574 (ARCH 595). Materials Selection for Sustainable Design
Prerequisite: CEE 212 or ARCH 324 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Integrated study of material properties, performance and economic and environmental cost, as related to engineering and architectural design. Topics include material properties and selection, materials database, processing and design, ecological considerations and optimization. Examples will be drawn from cementitious materials and ceramics, metals, polymers and composites. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 575. Sensing for Civil Infrastructure Systems
Prerequisite: Physics 240. (3 credits)
Sensor technologies for civil infrastructure. Fundamentals of sensor theory, fabrication, operation and deployment. Data acquisition and management methods for large-scale sensor networks. Optimal sensor placement. Data to decision support systems. Physics-based and data-driven interrogation methods for system identification, estimation and control. Case studies of deployments in built and natural environments. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 576 (MECHENG 549). Stochastic Systems
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 373 or equivalent, MECHENG 360 or CEE 572 or equivalent, MECHENG 564/CEE 571 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Analysis of discrete- and continuous-time linear stochastic processes with primary application to engineering dynamics. Ito calculus and mean-square analysis. Continuous-time Poisson counters and Wiener processes. Stochastic response of nonlinear systems, and the Fokker-Planck Equation. Stationary analysis. Approximate techniques for nonlinear stochastic response. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 580. Physicochemical Processes in Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 460. (3 credits)
Physicochemical separated and transformation processes in natural and engineered environmental systems; process modeling; design of operations involving state and phase transformation; chemical oxidation, reduction, sorption, stripping and exchange processes, membrane separations, particle aggregation and coagulation, sedimentation and filtration. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 581 (EARTH 581). Aquatic Chemistry
Prerequisite: (CHEM 130 and senior standing) or graduate standing. Credit for only one: CEE 481 or CEE 581. Minimum grade of "C-" required for prerequisite. (3 credits)
Chemical principles applicable to the analysis of the chemical composition of natural waters and engineered water treatment systems; covers acid-base, precipitation-dissolution, complexation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; emphasis on graphical, analytical and computer-speciation methods; presented in the context of contemporary environmental issues including water quality, climate change and pollution prevention and abatement. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 582. Environmental Microbiology
Prerequisite: CHEM 130 and senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Introductions to microbial metabolic processes and nutrition, thermodynamics of growth and energy generation, genetic and metabolic diversity, evolution and systematics, laboratory methods and microbial ecology. Emphasis is placed on the application of these concepts to environmental biotechnology, including microbial treatment of water and wastewater, bioenergy production and pollutant degradation. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 584 (EIHLTH 667). Hazardous Waste Processes
(3 credits)
The study of thermal, chemical and other systems and processes used in the detoxification of hazardous wastes, other than radioactive wastes. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 585 (ENSCEN 585). Solid Waste Management
(3 credits)
The study of methods for managing the solid wastes generated by urban communities, evaluating alternatives and design of disposal facilities. Methods for minimizing adverse effects on the human health and environment are included. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 586 (NRE 557). Industrial Ecology
Prerequisite: senior standing. (3-4 credits)
Analysis of material and energy flows in industrial systems to enhance eco-efficiency and sustainability. Methods: life cycle assessment quantifies energy, waste, emissions (greenhouse gases) for materials production, manufacturing, product use, recovery/disposition. Life cycle design integrate environmental, performance, economic and regulatory objectives. Multi-objective analysis, engineering design analysis, cross-functional teamwork, large sea modeling skills. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 587 (NRE 558). Water Resource Policy
Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Consideration of policy processes associated with the development and utilization of water resources. Special attention is given to the history and development of policy related to water quality. Multi-objective planning is presented. Consideration of institutional problems associated with the implementation of water policy in the federal, state, regional and local arenas. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 588 (CHE 590). Sustainability Finance: Investment Models for Green Growth
Advisory Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
The course reviews a range of financial innovations and investment models to scale capital allocations and reduce climate risks in portfolios, while driving green growth. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 589 (NRE 595). Risk and Benefit Analysis in Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing. (3 credits)
Introduction to techniques of risk-benefit analysis as applied to water resources and environmental engineering. Techniques of multi-objective water resource planning. The engineering political interfaces; consideration of political bargaining and decision-making. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 590. Stream, Lake, and Estuary Analysis
Prerequisite: CEE 460 or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Development of mass balance equations for the characteristics and spatial and temporal distributions of contaminants in natural aquatic systems. Role of biochemical kinetics and mass transfer processes on oxygen resources in streams, lakes and estuaries. Demonstration of case studies and applied problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 591. Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent (3 credits)
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics applications to the environment. Gravity and tidal waves. Internal waves and stratified flow. Models for turbulent flow. Effects of the earth's rotation, wind-driven currents and boundary resistance. Mass transfer at interfaces, entrainment and mixing. Flocculation and settling of colloidal particles. Shear dispersion in stream and estuaries. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 592. Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 460. (3 credits)
Theoretical principles, qualitative and quantitative description of suspended growth and biofilm processes, as applicable to wastewater treatment and the bioremediation of soils, sediments and groundwater. Bioremediation processes discussed include bioventing and biosparging, in situ intrinsic and enhanced bioremediation of chlorinated and non-chlorinated compounds. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 593. Environmental Soil Physics
Prerequisite: CEE 428 or CEE 345. (3 credits)
Principles of soil physics with emphasis on environmental problems. Topics include characteristics of solid, liquid and gaseous components of soil; capillarity, air entrapment and the static distribution of water in the unsaturated zone; infiltration, exfiltration and the redistribution of water. Extension of principles to movement of organic liquids in subsurface. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 594. Environmental Soil Chemistry
Prerequisite: CEE 581. (3 credits)
Introduction to the principles of soil chemistry. Topics covered include chemical composition of soils, chemical structure of minerals and soil organic matter, soil colloidal phenomena, sorption, ion-exchange, surface complexation theory, reactivity of soil constituents with inorganic and organic environmental contaminants. Emphasis on the relationship between chemical structure and reactivity. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 596. Chemical Fate and Transport
Prerequisite: CEE 365 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Analysis of the fate, transport and persistence of chemical using fugacity-based modeling methods. Identification of key chemical properties affecting fate and transport. Characterization of environmental and biological media. Distribution mechanisms: partitioning, advection, reaction, diffusion. Hierarchical assessment of chemical fate for steady-state, transient, equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Application to multi-media environmental systems; bioaccumulation in food webs; pharmacokinetic modeling; exposure and risk assessment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 597. Environmental Organic Chemistry
Prerequisite: CHEM 130 or equivalent. (3 credits)
The behavior and transformation of anthropogenic chemicals in the environment. Specific topics will include sorption, volatilization, air-water exchange, and transformation processes (e.g. hydrolysis, photolysis, redox, etc.). Predictive tools for the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment are developed using chemical molecular properties. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 599 (EIHLTH 699). Hazardous Wastes: Regulation, Remediation, and Worker Protection
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and EIHLTH 503 or EIHLTH 508 or EIHLTH 541 or EIHLTH 650 or EIHLTH 667 or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Integration of information on current regulatory climate and governmental guidelines with case studies in hazardous wastes/substances. Case studies provide examples of hazardous waste and remedial actions, with emphasis on site worker exposure and protection and community exposures to chemical and radiological agents. Lectures, problem-solving sessions and guest speakers. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

600 Level Courses

CEE 611. Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
Advisory Prerequisite: CEE 511, CEE 512, and CEE 517 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Introduction to state-of-the-art performance-based earthquake-resistant design, including both theoretical and practical aspects.  Topics include probabilistic seismic hazard analysis; uniform and conditional mean spectrum; ground motion selection and scaling; inelastic dynamic analysis; incremental dynamic analysis; collapse fragilities; damage analysis and fragility functions; probabilistic seismic loss analysis. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 613. Metal Structural Members
Prerequisite: CEE 413. (3 credits)
Elastic and inelastic behavior of beams and columns. Torsion of open and box members. Combined bending and torsion. Buckling of beams and beam-columns. Frame buckling. Behavior of steel and aluminum structural members in studies with reference to their code design procedures. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 614. Advanced Prestressed Concrete
Prerequisite: CEE 514. (3 credits)
Prestressing in statically indeterminate structures: prestressed concrete slabs; analysis and design of partially prestressed concrete beams; nonlinear analysis; optimum design; members prestressed with unbonded tendons; external prestressing; prestressed tensile members; prestressing with FRPs. Special research and/or application related topics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 615. Reinforced Concrete Members
Prerequisite: CEE 415. (3 credits)
Inelastic behavior of reinforced concrete beams, columns and connections. Combined bending, shear and torsion in beams. Use of strut and tie models. Behavior under load reversals and development of appropriate hysteresis models. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 621. Free Surface Flow
Prerequisite: CEE 325 or equivalent. (3 credits)
Transient, incompressible flow in three space dimensions. Reynolds averaging and large eddy simulation of turbulent flows. Kinematic and dynamic conditions at air-water interfaces. Numerical solution by finite element and finite volume methods. Algorithms for locating a free surface. Applications to river, lake and estuary models. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 622. Special Problems in Hydraulic Engineering or Hydrology
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (to be arranged)
Assigned work on an individual basis. Problems of an advanced nature may be selected from a wide variety of topics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 625 (NRE 624). Geostatistical Modeling of Uncertainty
Prerequisite: CEE 570. (3 credits)
Risk assessment: parametric and non-parametric approaches. Optimal estimates. Decision making in the face of uncertainty. Classification of categorical attributes. Stochastic spatial simulation: continuous and categorical environmental attributes. Propagation of uncertainty. Soil and water pollution data will be analyzed using geostatistical software. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 628. Numerical Modeling of Subsurface Flow
Prerequisite: CEE 528 or CEE 593 and Math 471. (3 credits)
Application of numerical solution methods, including finite differences, finite elements, boundary elements and method of characteristics to various subsurface flow problems: saturated isothermal flow, solute transport, multiphase flow, geothermal reservoirs, use and modification of existing models in addition to new code development. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 630. Directed Studies in Construction Engineering
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (1-3 credits)
Selected reading in specific construction areas. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 631. Construction Decisions Under Uncertainty
Prerequisite: A course in probability or statistics such as Stat 310 or Stat 311 or SMS 301. (3 credits)
Construction project and organization decisions for the uncertain future. Selection of construction method, equipment, contract, markup and financing alternatives having the highest expected values. Uses decision theory, competitive bid analysis, probabilistic modeling and simulation and multiple regression analysis in managing construction. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 645. Theoretical Soil Mechanics
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Stress conditions for failure of soils; earth pressures and retaining walls; arching in soils; theories for elastic and plastic deformations of soil masses; theory of bearing capacity; theories for stresses in semi-infinite and layered elastic solids; theory of elastic subgrade reaction. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 646. Geophysical Techniques in Environmental Geotechnology
Prerequisite: CEE 345. (3 credits)
Introduction to geophysical techniques currently available for use in environmental geotechnology. Principles on which methods are based. Site characterization, pore fluid identification, buried object location by these non-intrusive, non-destructive tests. AI programming for selection of appropriate methods. Case studies in use of geophysical methods. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 648. Dynamics of Soils and Foundations
Prerequisite: CEE 345. (3 credits)
Transient and steady state vibrations of foundations; phase plane analysis of foundations with one and two degrees of freedom; dynamic properties of soils; vibration transmission through soils. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 649. Civil Engineering Vibrations Laboratory
Prerequisites: CEE 611, preceded or accompanied by CEE 648. (2 credits)
Field and laboratory determination of dynamic material properties; measurement of vibration of structures and foundations; introduction to electronics for dynamic measurements; introduction to holographic interferometry. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 650. Advanced Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Sustainable Infrastructure Prerequisite: CEE 351 or graduate standing. (3 credits)
This course surveys scale linkage in built infrastructure systems and its interaction with the natural environment. Fundamental analytic tools from fracture mechanics and micromechanics are introduced. Topics include elastic crack mechanics, energy principles, fiber cement composite design, infrastructure durability and material damage mechanics as it impacts infrastructure life cycle analyses. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 651. Directed Studies in Civil Engineering Materials
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (1-3 credits)
Individual studies in specific civil engineering materials areas. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 679. Infrastructure Systems Project
(3 credits)
This course provides students in the Infrastructure Systems program with an integrated view of how fundamental system theory is applied to the civil and environmental engineering domains. Students undertake a semester long research project as an independent study effort and are expected to attend weekly seminars involving students and faculty. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 682. Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (to be arranged)
Special problems designed to develop perspective and depth of comprehension in selected areas of sanitary, environmental or water resources engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 687 (EIHLTH 617). Special Problems in Solid Waste Engineering
Prerequisite: CEE 585 and permission of instructor; mandatory satisfactory/unsatisfactory. (to be arranged)
Application of principles presented in CEE 585 to engineering and environmental health problems in the collection and disposal of solid wastes; comprehensive analysis and report assigned on individual student basis. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 693. Environmental Molecular Biology
Prerequisite: CEE 592 or permission of instructor. (3 credits)
Principles and techniques of molecular biology with an emphasis on genetic analysis of enzymatic systems capable of pollutant degradation: Genetic systems and gene probing in unusual prokaryotes: Use of molecular biological techniques for the enumeration and characterization of natural microbial communities: Biochemistry and kinetics of enzymatic systems. Lectures and laboratory. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

800 Level Courses

CEE 810. Special Topics in Structures and Materials
(to be arranged)
Preparation and presentation of reports covering assigned topics. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 812. Structural Engineering Graduate Seminar
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. (1 credit)Presentation and discussion of selected topics relating to structural engineering practice and research by invited lecturers. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 830. Construction Engineering and Management Seminar
(to be arranged)
Assigned reading and student reports on problems selected from the field of construction engineering and management. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 840. Geotechnical Engineering Seminar
Prerequisite: Graduate standing (1 credit)
Presentation and discussion of selected topics relating to geotechnical engineering practice and research by invited lecturers. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 880. Seminar in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Prerequisite: none. (1 credit)
Presentation and discussion of selected topics relating to environmental and water resources engineering. Student participation and guest lecturers. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 881. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Seminar
Prerequisite: graduate standing (1 credit)
Presentation and discussion of selected topics relating to environmental and water resources engineering. Student participation and guest lectures. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

900 Level Courses

CEE 910. Structural Engineering Research
(to be arranged)
Assigned work in structural engineering as approved by the professor of structural engineering. A wide range of subject matter is available, including laboratory and library studies. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 921. Hydraulic and Hydrological Engineering Research
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (to be arranged)
Assigned work in hydraulic and hydrological research; a wide range of matter and method permissible. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 930. Construction Engineering Research
(to be arranged)
Selected work from a wide range of construction engineering areas including planning, equipment, methods, estimating and costs. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 946. Soil Mechanics Research
(to be arranged)
Advanced problems in soil mechanics, foundations or underground construction, selected to provide the student with knowledge of recent application and development in engineering design and construction practice. Assigned problems must be carried to a stage of completion sufficient for a written report which will normally be required for credit. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 950. Structural Materials Research
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (to be arranged)
Topics dealing with mechanics and engineering of structural materials. Assigned reading and student reports. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 955. Transportation Systems Engineering Research
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Advanced problems in transportation systems engineering; a wide range of subject matter and method is available, including field investigations, laboratory experimentation, library and public record searches, and engineering design work. CourseProfile CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 970. Infrastructure Systems Engineering Research
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (1-16 credits)
Advanced problems in infrastructure systems engineering; a wide range of subject matter and method is available, including field investigations, laboratory experimentation, library and public record searches, and engineering design work. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 980. Research in Environmental Engineering
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (to be arranged)
A research study of some problems relating to water resource development and water supply, waste treatment and pollution control or sanitation and environmental health; a wide range of both subject matter and method is available, including field investigations, laboratory experimentation, library and public record searches and engineering design work. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 990. Dissertation/Pre-Candidate
(2-8 credits); (1-4 credits)
Dissertation work by doctoral student not admitted to status as candidate. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

CEE 995. Dissertation/Candidate
Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. (8 credits); (4 credits)
Election for dissertation work by a doctoral student who has been admitted to candidate status. The defense of the dissertation, that is, the final oral examination, must be held under a full-term candidacy enrollment. CourseProfile (ATLAS)

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