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The restaurant business is competitive, so finding unique promotional opportunities is one of the keys to filling seats. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies you can adopt that go beyond Taco Tuesdays. In addition to offering discounts, get involved with the community and form relationships with other business owners. Customize your restaurant with features that attract customers and spend time establishing an online presence. With any luck, you will look out among your happy customers and see no more empty chairs.

  1. 1

    Sponsor a local sports team. Contact a local recreational league for advertisement opportunities. No matter what sport you pick, you can have your restaurant's name and logo printed on a team's jersey. It's a great way to advertise while also giving back to the community.[1]

    • Treat the team members. Offer them some support such as in free gear, free food, and discount offers.
  2. 2

    Establish partnerships with local businesses. Forming relationships with other business owners is an integral part of gaining a positive reputation in your community. Come up with creative ways to work together on promotions. In addition, your contacts may also frequent your restaurant more and lure in new customers through positive word of mouth.[2]

    • Talk to the other business owners when you can. Say, "Hi, I own Bruno's down the street. Have you been in yet? Ask for me when you stop by and I'll buy you a drink."
    • You can then find ways to work together. For example, host a painting night by working with an art studio.
  3. 3

    Join the local Chamber of Commerce. This is networking for business owners. While there are some discussions on business-related political topics, the benefit of membership is mainly about connecting to other businesses. The Chamber also helps advertise your business to make it more visible in the community.

  4. 4

    Hang fliers on community bulletin boards. Walk around your community to find bulletin board locations in other businesses and public spaces. Assemble an eye-catching flier with your menu on it. Include your restaurant's address and maybe even some pictures of the decorations or food. Post these flyers in spaces that your target clientele frequents.[3]

    • For example, if you want to advertise a kid-friendly restaurant, post flyers at the local library and at stores that sell children's clothing.
    • Ask to have your flier displayed on the board. This works better if you build relationships in the community. Avoid hanging the flier before asking.
  1. 1

    Have a grand opening party when opening a new restaurant. Drive by any new restaurant and you know they're open because of the big banner over the doorway. This can help your business, and so can sending out lots of menus and press releases. Make sure the community knows that you're open for business. You can also offer deals on food or drinks or hand out food samples to encourage customers to come through your doors.[4]

    • A grand opening party can be held after special events, such as closing for construction or moving locations.
    • If you have owned your restaurant for a while, consider turning this into an anniversary or renewal party.
  2. 2

    Set up happy hour and lunch specials. The period between lunch and dinner is a quiet time for restaurants. Many restaurants compensate by offering lunch deals or reduced price drinks and appetizers. The offer can get people in the door and even encourage them to stay long enough to get hungry for dinner.[5]

    • One key to lunch hours is to provide speedy service, since your customers may come on a tight work schedule.
    • For example, many restaurants offer a lunch menu. You could offer soup and half a sandwich, or smaller portions of dinner meals for cheaper prices.
    • Taco Tuesday and Wing Wednesday are well-known promotion examples. The promotion can be adapted for dinner as well as lunch.
  3. 3

    Book live music in your restaurant. Many restaurants bring in local bands for live performances to add ambiance. You can get your customers involved by having them suggest or vote for bands on your social media pages. Providing entertainment and livening up your space encourages customers to stay longer.[6]

    • Be aware of any entertainment and noise ordinances in your area. Consult your local government to see if live music is a possibility for your business.
  4. 4

    Hold holiday and theme parties. Special events are big business, so most restaurants set up something special to attract customers. Something simple like a special holiday menu or a theme party can draw in new customers and publicity. Advertise this by posting flyers in your restaurant and advertisements online.[7]

    • For example, you could have a Mad Men night and have everyone dress like characters from the show.
    • Creating themed dishes or menus is an option that most restaurants can do. It's a change that helps you stand out and provide a little fun for potential customers.
  5. 5

    Bring special events into your restaurant. Host a poetry reading, a wine tasting night, or a similar event. Create a sign-up sheet so you can plan the event. Be creative and come up with more events that you and your staff can handle. Rearrange your interior space to create the ideal atmosphere for the event.[8]

    • For instance, a breakfast restaurant could have a "Breakfast with the Easter Bunny" event for families as an Easter promotion.
    • You can also bring in guest chefs or invite local celebrities. Be creative and think of what fits your restaurant and appeals to your clientele.
  1. 1

    Post more on your social media accounts. One of greatest advertising tools these days is social media. At the very least, you should have a Facebook account. Keep your customers up to date on events in your restaurant. Post your menu, status updates, and images that give viewers reasons to come through your doors.

    • Get creative with your posts! Take pictures of the food and beautiful decor.
  2. 2

    Have your employees spread the word. Show off your wonderful staff! Have them post their own photos and videos that reflect your business in a positive way. Encourage them to advertise by word of mouth to friends and potential guests. You could create a contest or reward system for the number of guests your employees bring in.[9]

    • One way to do this is to give your employees a camera and let them show off their personalities. Customers enjoy connecting to the people behind the business.
  3. 3

    Set up ads on social media. Facebook, Twitter, and other sites have ad systems that target potential customers. Contact the sites or scroll through your account options to set up an ad. Decide on a budget, then use the site's options to tailor the ad to your liking.[10]

    • These ads are highly customizable. You can even filter who sees them so you reach your potential customers.
  4. 4

    Create business listings online. The first order of business is to claim your business on Google. Search your restaurant's name and click the "claim now" button that appears on the right side of the screen, if you haven't yet. Then add your business to Yelp, Foursquare, RestaVista, Whitepages, and other related sites you're not already on.

    • Ratings sites seem scary, but it's a worthwhile risk to take. It gives customers a clear and concise way to see your business and connect to it.
    • Always be friendly when responding to a review. Abusive language hurts you more than it hurts the reviewer.
  5. 5

    Encourage guests to leave reviews online. Having your restaurant listed on review sites is enough to attract some reviews. To get more, ask customers to leave reviews. Try including a comment card with the bill, asking for feedback. On the card, print something like, "Visit us on Yelp! and leave us a review."

    • You could even offer an incentive, such as a discount coupon for anyone who leaves a review.
  6. 6

    Create more photo opportunities for guests. Stand out by enhancing your restaurant's ambiance. Thematic and impressive decorations, as well as natural scenery, accomplish this. Guests pull out their phones, take pictures, and share it online. That is the kind of marketing you want.

    • Think of these opportunities as being similar to tourist attractions. Maybe you really do have the world's biggest ball of yarn outside your front door!
    • For example, one restaurant creates a customized drawing on a chalkboard for every guest that makes a reservation.
  7. 7

    Update and simplify your website. Take the time to review your online presence. Your website is the first place people go to see your menu. Avoid using fancy graphics, music, or other distractions here. Post pertinent information such as the menu, your restaurant's location, a calendar for special events, and contact information.[11]

    • You can hire a professional to design your website or build it yourself. If you don't already have one, register a domain name. Use a site like WordPress for design templates, or build design the site yourself by learning HTML or using a program like Dreamweaver.
    • A website that is difficult to use can cause potential customers to get frustrated and look elsewhere for a place to eat.
  1. 1

    Create more signs outside your restaurant. Your restaurant needs to be visible from the road. Post signs on your lawn near the road with your restaurant's name, directions, or any special deals and events going on. For the sake of clarity, hang a menu outside the restaurant.[12]

    • Take this as an opportunity to simplify your menu and make the language concise. It needs to fit on your advertisement and be easy to read.
    • Large, reusable banners are great for advertising special events, particularly ones you plan on hosting again at a later date.
  2. 2

    Create food options for guests with dietary restrictions. Imagine turning away a large party because you couldn't serve 1 person with an alternative diet. Have a selection of vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options to compensate. Think of ways to customize dishes you already have while keeping them tasty, such as by removing the dairy to cater to guests with allergies.[13]

    • Search online to find more information about these diets and potential food options.
    • In general, look over your menu and keep in mind what sells well in your area and what fits your budget. These alternative meals need to be every bit as good as the rest of your food.
  3. 3

    Install free WiFi service in your restaurant. This might sound surprising, but people may turn away from your restaurant if they can't access the Internet. Connectivity is important, so your competitors might already offer this. After all, many people have smartphones and use them often these days.

    • If you protect your guest wifi with a password, try posting it on a placemat or sign on the wall.
  4. 4

    Show sporting events in your restaurant. Sporting events draw people out in parties. This is particularly important if you have a popular local team. Have a TV in your bar area or multiple TVs strategically placed throughout the restaurant. People will come and sit around to watch a big game.

    • Consider your restaurant's ambiance when doing this. Some restaurants choose to not have TVs. That's fine, but you may lose business on some days, such as during the Super Bowl or World Cup.
  5. 5

    Spend time getting to know your customers. Customers like feeling valued. As an owner, you are very busy, but this extra effort makes a difference in bringing people back. Visit the tables and start friendly conversations. Look for feedback on how you can improve. Greet returning guests so they keep coming back.[14]

    • Many owners focus on bringing in new guests, but the regulars are the ones that often spend the most money. Get enough return customers and you will see your business grow.
  6. 6

    Establish a gift card system. Start printing out gift cards or certificates and sell them. Many customers come into a specific restaurant because they have a gift card. They will bring friends and family. Once they're in, win them over with your food and service. Turn them into repeat customers.[15]

    • Take care to keep track of all the gift cards sold and used so no one takes advantage of the system.
  7. 7

    Send emails to customers. Collect customer emails through sign-up cards posted around your restaurant. Set up an account with a system like MailChimp, then use it to send emails to everyone on the list. This is a great way to reach out to customers, encouraging them to come back and bring new customers.[16]

    • For example, use it to send a monthly newsletter explaining what is new in your restaurant, as well as special discounts and birthday offers.
    • Signing up for the list should be optional. Send the emails sparingly, such as once a month, to avoid annoying anyone.

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    What changes can I make to my restaurant to get more people in the door?

    Brian Honigman

    Brian Honigman is a Marketing Consultant and the Owner of Honigman Media LLC. With over a decade of marketing experience, he specializes in consulting with organizations about digital marketing, social media, and content marketing. Brian holds BA in Political Science and Journalism from The University of Pittsburgh. In addition to being a Consultant, Brian is an Adjunct Marketing Professor at New York University and Francisco Marroquín University. His work providing consulting services, training workshops, and coaching programs led to him being named "Digital Marketing Expert" by Entrepreneur and a "Top Social Media Pro" by Social Media Examiner. Brian's notable clients include The United Nations Development Programme, Thomson Reuters, NATO, and People Magazine.

    Brian Honigman

    Marketing Consultant

    Expert Answer

    What I would do as a restaurant is think of different ways of providing new services and products. For example, if you don't sell alcohol, maybe now's the time to start selling alcohol. Or maybe you can start selling alcohol for delivery or in-person pickup. Basically, you want to expand into new product categories to attract more people.

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  • Think about your clientele and the best way to reach out to them. Adjust your methods accordingly.

  • Free isn't always good. Sometimes it causes customers to doubt your restaurant's quality. It may help to hand out something like free quesadillas to guests waiting to be seated rather than sending out offers for free food.

  • Be kind to your regular guests, since they are your most loyal customers.

  • Always look for new ways to market your business. You could end up making a hit blog, writing a cookbook, or branding a recipe.

  • Some strategies fail to bring in as many customers as you like. Cut a promotion that costs you more money than it brings in.

  • Think about how some restaurants get famous for having unique menu items or a feature like the largest burger or hottest chicken wings. Going bigger and better, within budget, draws the most attention.


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