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How to Open Car Door Without Alarm Going Off

Car Alarm Goes Off Randomly

Don't know why your car alarm goes off randomly, even though there's no one trying to break in? Fret not, since today we'll go over the main reasons why this happens, and how you can solve this issue!

We know how annoying and stressful this problem can be for car owners. In fact, this issue can be more irritating if it happens in the middle of the night! However, even though there's no threat coming from burglars, this sort of problem can be due to some serious underlying issues.

That's why you should know which are these underlying issues and if they need your immediate attention.

Common Causes Why Your Car Alarm Goes Off Randomly and What to Do

An alarm system is an essential part of your car. After all, it's meant to protect your vehicle from any crime-related problems. However, not many people are aware of the fundamentals behind your car's alarm.

Generally speaking, a car alarm consists of four parts: a computer, a keycode receiver, a loudspeaker, and a variety of sensors. These sensors include car door sensors, shock/impact sensors, proximity sensors, tilt sensors, and even microphone sensors. Of course, older car models count on fewer sensors compared to modern vehicles.

When any of theses detectors receive any unusual signal, then it activates the loudspeaker. So, whenever any of these sensors go bad, it can make it go off randomly and give false alarms.

For this reason, there's no definite reason why this sort of problem might arise. That's why we'll give you the most common reasons why you might be going through this issue.

Here are 7 reasons why a car alarm goes off randomly:

  • Low car battery charge or a dead battery
  • Corroded or rusty battery terminals
  • Broken key fob
  • Dirty hood latch sensor
  • Poor connection to the control unit
  • An alarm that's installed incorrectly
  • Sensitive shock sensors

Low Car Battery Charge or a Dead Battery

Low Car Battery Charge Alarm

Being among the most common reasons a car might break down, a dying battery can be the culprit behind your alarm turning on at random times. That's why it's a must for car owners to know their car's battery condition.

Usually, your battery sends a signal whenever you're starting the engine.  If your battery is low on power, then the alarm will go off whenever you turn on your car. Think of it as the car letting you know that it's time to replace it.

You can check your battery's condition by using a voltmeter. If the reading is under 12.6 volts, you should seriously consider replacing it.

In case of a car breakdown, try to call a friend or get help from another vehicle to jump-start your car. That way, you can get enough charge for you to make it the safest location and replace it. Additionally, you can always call emergency roadside assistance in case you're stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Corroded or Rusty Battery Terminals

Corroded or Rusty Battery Terminals

On the condition that your battery counts on sufficient charge, then consider checking your battery terminals as well. If your battery has rusty terminals, it can trigger the alarm by sending a low battery signal to the system.

If the terminals are a little rusty, then you can fix yourself on your own by cleaning them. However, before proceeding, be sure to disconnect the battery and put on any safety wear. Feel free to use a quality battery cleaner to remove the corrosion.

Also, make sure that your battery isn't in contact for long periods with any grease or oil.

Broken Key Fob

Alarm Goes Off Randomly Due to Key Fob

Whenever your car remote becomes faulty, it can make your car alarm go off randomly. After all, the remote, or key fob, has a connection with the alarm system. Since this remote works by sending signals to your car, a broken one can send the wrong alert.

One way to verify if it's your key fob that's causing the problem is by resetting it or changing its battery. You can also scan your remote with a code reader as well.

Dirty Hood Latch Sensor

Dirty Hood Latch Sensor

Next, another common reason that might trigger your alarm is a filthy hood latch sensor. A hood latch keeps it closed shut and locked. When you open your car's hood, the sensor is off and light up your dashboard warning sign. In case it's closed, then the switch is on.  This switch can also tell you when the hood isn't closed correctly.

This sensor can make the alarm go off whenever someone tries to open the hood forcefully. However, if it has all sorts of dirt around it, then it can trigger the alarm at any time.

Luckily, you can fix this problem without a hassle. First, you'll want to make sure to disconnect the battery's negative terminal. Then, locate your hood latch sensor. It should be behind the hood latch, near the headlights.

To clean it, use a cleaning brush, a microfiber cloth, and a brake cleaner. Spray a bit of your cleaner and use your brush to scrub it gently. Finally, use the cloth to completely remove any fine dust it may have.

Remember, keeping your hood latch sensor clean can boost your overall's car security.

Poor Connection to the Control Unit

If you cleaned the hood latch and the alarm still randomly triggers, then another cause can be a poor connection to your car's main control unit. In some cases, then it can mean that it isn't only your hood latch that's put in jeopardy. If this is your situation, you probably see other incorrect readings, such as a wrong airbag light.

Try disconnecting and reconnecting the sensor to see if that works out. If not, then consider taking your car to a professional.

An Alarm That's Installed Incorrectly

In some instances, car owners can find themselves with this problem because the alarm wasn't set right in the first place. This situation usually happens when people get themselves a new car or an alarm system.

Fortunately, your car provider should fix this problem without any additional costs.

Sensitive Shock Sensors

Lastly, when a car alarm goes off randomly, it can be due to sensitive shock sensors. These sensors job is to detect any impact that your car receives. Just liken the hood latch sensor, it can notify you whenever something bad happens to your vehicle.

When your shock sensors are too sensitive, it can set off your alarm to even the softest bumps. This problem can even make your battery out of charge much sooner than it should.

To check if your sensors are too sensitive, try gently bumping your vehicle. If the alarm goes off, then you should try readjusting them.

You can find these sensors under the dashboard in a small control box that's out of sight. Configure them by twisting the dial that's on the box. You can always refer to the owner's manual whenever you find yourself stuck in a rut.

After trying out all of these solutions and still your car alarm goes off randomly, consider getting professional help. That way, an expert can exactly pinpoint what's causing this kind of problem.

How to Open Car Door Without Alarm Going Off
